2024 LYME HealHers™ Sponsors
Thank you to the 2024 Lyme HealHers Summit Sponsors - the worlds leading industries who sponsor this years LYME HealHers Summit!
Researched Nutritionals
Learn MoreWe leverage multiple mechanisms of action to support complex health challenges and key areas of health and back our finished formulations with peer-reviewed, published clinical research. These aren’t internal research or “white papers” – we insist on research that is rigorously conducted by third-parties and universities where the studies are peer-reviewed and published in reputable medical journals.
ReligenDx & MitoSwab
Learn MoreA Life Science Company that develops and implements new and innovative diagnostic testing. The primary objective of our testing is to identify biomarkers in order to enable and facilitate appropriate intervention and treatment at the earliest possible stages. At Religen, we believe that reliable diagnostics are the cornerstone for effective prevention, mitigation, treatment, and healing.
LymeCore Botanicals
Learn MoreAt LymeCore we supply a pure, potent and consistent supply of individual herbal tinctures so that the dose and formulation can be customized to each patient’s unique tick borne disease presentation, as well as formulations that are created to solve the most common tick borne disease treatment complications. Our formulas work synergistically with pharmaceutical antibiotics or as a standalone treatment.
Learn MoreILADS is a nonprofit, international, multidisciplinary medical society dedicated to the appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease and its associated illnesses. ILADS promotes understanding of Lyme and associated diseases through research, education and policy. We strongly support physicians, scientists, researchers and other healthcare professionals dedicated to advancing the standard of care for Lyme and associated diseases.